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  • LeRoy E and Ummenhofer CC. (2025). Past and future modulation of the ENSO teleconnection to Southeast Asian monsoon rainfall by interbasin interactions. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2024GL111916.


  • Ryan S, Ummenhofer CC, and Gawarkiewicz G. (2024). Seasonal and interannual salinity variability on the Northeast U.S. continental shelf: Insights from satellite sea surface salinity and implications for stratification. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, doi:10.1029/2024JC021534.  Reprint
  • Wang S, Ummenhofer CC, Murty SA, Nguyen HTT, and Buckley BM. (2024). Quantifying the internal and external drivers of Southeast Asian rainfall extremes on decadal timescales. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-014-2127-3. Reprint
  • Ventura F, Sander N, Catry P, Wakefield E, De Pascalis F, Richardson P, Granadeiro JP, Silva M, and Ummenhofer CC. (2024). Oceanic seabirds chase tropical cyclones. Current Biology, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2024.06.022.  Reprint
  • Hood RR, Ummenhofer CC, Phillips HE, and Sprintall J. (2024). Chapter 1: Introduction to the Indian Ocean. In: The Indian Ocean and its role in the global climate system, Eds. Ummenhofer CC, Hood RR, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-822698-8.00015-9. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Geen R, Denniston RF, and Rao MP. (2024). Chapter 3: Past, present, and future of the South Asian monsoon. In: The Indian Ocean and its role in the global climate system, Eds. Ummenhofer CC, Hood RR, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-822698-8.00013-5. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Taschetto AS, Izumo T, and Luo JJ. (2024). Chapter 7: Impacts of the Indian Ocean on regional and global climate. In: The Indian Ocean and its role in the global climate system, Eds. Ummenhofer CC, Hood RR, Elsevier, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-822698-8.00018-4. Reprint
  • Walker TD, and Ummenhofer CC. (2024). Extracting global maritime weather data from New England whaling and Portuguese Navy logbooks (1740-1960). Mainsheet, 1, 108-123, doi:10.61355/001c.94790. Reprint
  • Carr KT and Ummenhofer CC (2024). Impact of atmospheric circulation variability on U.S. Midwest moisture sources. Journal of Climate, 37, 59-75. Reprint


  • Capotondi A, McGregor S, McPhaden MJ, Cravatte S, Holbrook NJ, Imada Y, Sanchez SC, Sprintall J, Stuecker MF, Ummenhofer CC, et al. (2023). Mechanisms of tropical Pacific decadal variability. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, doi:10.1038/s43017-023-00486-x. Reprint
  • Tiger BH and Ummenhofer CC. (2023). Tropical volcanic eruptions and low frequency Indo-Pacific variability drive extreme Indian Ocean Dipole events. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, doi:10.1029/2023GL103991.  Reprint
  • Wang S, Ummenhofer CC, Oppo D, Murty SA, Wagner P, Böning CW, and Biastoch A. (2023). Freshwater contributions to decadal variability of the Indonesian Throughflow. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2023GL103906.  Reprint
  • Denniston RF, Ummenhofer CC, Emanuel K, Ingrosso R, Pausata FSR, Wanamaker AD, Lachniet MS, Carr KT, Asmerom Y, Polyak VJ, Nott J, Zhang W, Villarini G, Cugley J, Brooks D, and Humphreys WF. (2023). Sensitivity of Northwest Australian cyclone activity to ITCZ migration since 500 CE. Science Advances, doi:10.1126/sciadv.add9832. Reprint


  • Thatcher DL, Wanamaker AD, Denniston RF, Ummenhofer CC, Asmerom Y, Polyak VJ, Cresswell-Clay N, Hasiuk F, Haws J, and Gillikin D. (2022). Iberian hydroclimate variability and the Azores High during the last 1200 years: Evidence from proxy records and climate model simulations. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-022-06427-6.  Reprint
  • Whitney NM, Wanamaker AD, Ummenhofer CC, Johnson BJ, Cresswell-Clay N, and Kreutz KJ. (2022). Rapid 20th Century warming reverses 900-year cooling in the Gulf of Maine. Communications Earth & Environment, doi:10.1038/s43247-022-00504-8.  Reprint
  • Cresswell-Clay, Ummenhofer CC, Thatcher DL, Wanamaker AD, Denniston RF, Asmerom Y, and Polyak VJ. (2022). Twenthieth Century Azores High expansion unprecedented in the last 1200 years. Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/s41561-022-00971-w. Reprint
  • Lawrence L, Parfitt R, and Ummenhofer CC. (2022). The role of atmospheric fronts in austral winter precipitation changes across Australia. Atmospheric Science Letters, doi:10.1002/asl.1117. Reprint
  • Li L, Schmitt RW, and Ummenhofer CC. (2022). Skillful long-lead prediction of summertime heavy rainfall in the US Midwest from sea surface salinity. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2022GL098554. Reprint
  • Rathore S, Goyal R, Jangir B, Ummenhofer CC, Feng M, and Mishra M. (2022). Interactions between a marine heatwave and tropical cyclone Amphan in the Bay of Bengal in 2020. Frontiers in Climate, doi:10.3389/fclim.2022.861477. Reprint
  • Grosselindemann H, Ryan S, Ummenhofer CC, Martin T, and Biastoch A. (2022). Marine heatwaves and their depth structures on the Northeast U.S. continental shelf. Frontiers in Climate, doi:10.3389/fclim.2022.857937. Reprint


  • Perez E, Ryan S, Andres M, Gawarkiewicz G, Ummenhofer CC, Bane J, and Haines S. (2021). Understanding physical drivers of the 2015/16 marine heatwaves in the Northwest Atlantic. Scientific Reports, 17, doi:10.1038/s41598-021-97012-0.  Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Murty SA, Sprintall J, Lee T, and Abram NJ. (2021). Heat and freshwater changes in the Indian Ocean region. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2, doi:10.1038/s43017-021-00192-6.  Reprint
  • Patrick SC, Martin J, Ummenhofer CC, Corbeau A, and Weimerskirch H. (2021). Albatrosses respond adaptively to climate variability by changing variance in foraging trait. Global Change Biology, 72, 4564-4574. Reprint
  • Phillips H, Tandon A, Furue R, Hood R, Ummenhofer CC, et al. (2021). Recent advances in understanding Indian Ocean circulation and air-sea exchange. Ocean Sciences, doi:10.5194/os-2021-1. Reprint
  • Meehl GA et al. (2021). Initialized Earth system prediction from subseasonal to decadal timescales. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2, doi:10.1038/s43017-021-00155-x.  Reprint
  • Rathore S, Bindoff NL, Ummenhofer CC, Phillips HE, Feng M, and Mishra M. (2021). Improving Australian rainfall prediction using sea surface salinity. Journal of Climate, 34, 2473-2490. Reprint
  • Bartusek S, Seo H, Ummenhofer CC, and Steffen J. (2021). The role of nearshore air-sea interactions for landfalling atmospheric rivers on the U.S. West Coast. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, doi:10.1029/2020GL091388. Reprint
  • Ryan S, Ummenhofer CC, Gawarkiewicz G, Wagner P, Scheinert M, Biastoch A, and Böning CW (2021). Depth structure of Ningaloo Niño/Niña events and associated drivers. Journal of Climate, 34, 1767-1788. Reprint


  • Bramante JF, Ford MR, Kench PS, Ashton AD, Toomey MR, Sullivan R, Karnauskas KB, Ummenhofer CC, and Donnelly JP. (2020). Increased typhoon activity in the Pacific deep tropics driven by Little Ice Age circulation changes. Nature Geoscience, 13, 806-811. Reprint
  • Thatcher DL, Wanamaker AD, Denniston RF, Ummenhofer CC, Regala FT, Jorge N, Haws J, Chormann A, and Gillikin DP. (2020). Linking the karst record to atmospheric, precipitation, and vegetation dynamics in Portugal. Chemical Geology, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119949. Reprint
  • Sen Gupta A, Thomsen M, Benthuysen JA, Hobday AJ, Alexander LV, Ol iver E, Burrows MT, Donat MG, Feng M, Holbrook NJ, Perkins-Kirkpatrick S, Moore PJ, Rodrigues R, Scannell HA, Taschetto AS, Ummenhofer CC, Wernberg T, and Smale DA. (2020). Extreme marine heatwaves – the most intense, largest, and longest events. Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-75445-3. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Ryan S, England MH, Scheinert M, Wagner P, Biastoch A, and Böning CW (2020). Late 20th Century Indian Ocean heat content gain masked by wind forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, doi:10.1029/2020GL088692. Reprint
  • Taschetto AS, Ummenhofer CC, Stuecker M, Dommenget D, Ashok K, Rodrigues R, and Yeh S-W (2020). El Niño-Southern Oscillation atmospheric teleconnections. In: El Niño Southern Oscillation in a Changing Climate (Eds. McPhaden MJ, Santoso A, Cai W), doi:10.1002/9781119548164.ch14. Reprint
  • Liang Y-C, Lo M-H, Lan C-W, Seo H, Ummenhofer CC, Yeager S, Wu R-J, and Steffen JD (2020). Amplified seasonal cycle in hydroclimate over the Amazon river basin and its plume region in the Atlantic. Nature Communications, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18187-0. Reprint
  • Finke K, Jimenez-Esteve B, Taschetto AS, Ummenhofer CC, Bumke K, and Domeisen DIV. (2020). Revisiting remote drivers of the 2014 drought in Southeast Brazil. Climate Dynamics, 55, 3197-3211. Reprint
  • Yuan X, Ummenhofer CC, Seo H, and Su, Z (2020). Relative contributions of heat flux and wind stress on the spatiotemporal upper-ocean variability in the tropical Indian Ocean. Environmental Research Letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab9f7f.  Reprint
  • Beal LM, Vialard J, Roxy MK, and lead authors (2020). A roadmap to IndOOS-2: Better observations of the rapidly-warming Indian Ocean. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0209.1. Reprint
  • Rathore S, Bindoff NL, Ummenhofer CC, Phillips HE, and Feng M. (2020). Near-surface salinity reveals the oceanic sources of moisture for Australian precipitation through atmospheric moisture transport. Journal of Climate, 33, 6707-6730. Reprint
  • Abram NJ, Hargreaves JA, Wright NM, Thirumalai K, Ummenhofer CC, and England MH (2020). Paleoclimate perspectives on the Indian Ocean Dipole. Quarternary Science Reviews, 237, doi:10.106/j.quarscirev.2020.106032. Reprint
  • Abram NJ, Wright NM, Ellis B, Dixon BC, Wurtzel JB, England MH, Ummenhofer CC, Philibosian B, Cahyarini SY, Hantoro W, Shen C-C, Cheng H, and Heslop D. (2020). Tight coupling of tropical Indian and Pacific climate variability through the last millennium. Nature, 579, 385-392.  Reprint
  • Staten PW, Grise KM, Davis SM, Karnauskas KB, Waugh DW, Maycock A, Fu Q, Cook K, Adam O, Simpson IR, Allen RJ, Rosenlof K, Chen G, Ummenhofer CC, Quan X-W, Kossin JP, Davis NA, and Son, S-W. (2020). Tropical widening: From global variations to regional impacts. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0047.1.  Reprint
  • Thatcher DL, Wanamaker AD, Denniston RF, Asmerom Y, Polyak V, Ummenhofer CC, Gillikin DP, and Haws J. (2020). Hydroclimate variability from Western Iberia (Portugal) during the Holocene – insights from a composite stalagmite isotope record. The Holocene, 30, 966-986. Reprint
  • Hahn LC, Storelvmo T, Hofer S, Parfitt R, and Ummenhofer CC. (2020). Importance of orography for Greenland cloud and melt response to atmospheric blocking. Journal of Climate, 33, 4187-4206. Reprint
  • Parfitt R, Ummenhofer CC, Buckley BM, Hansen K, and D’Arrigo R. (2020). Distinct seasonal climate drivers revealed in a network of tree-ring records from Labrador. Climate Dynamics, 54, 1897-1911. Reprint
  • Kwon Y-O, Seo H, Ummenhofer CC, and Joyce TM (2020). Impact of multidecadal variability in Atlantic SST on winter atmospheric blocking. Journal of Climate, 33, 867-892. Reprint


  • Beal LM, Vialard J, Roxy MK and lead authors (2019).  IndOOS-2: A roadmap to sustained observations of the Indian Ocean for 2020-2030. CLIVAR-4/2019, GOOS-237, 206 pp, doi:10.36071/clivar.rp.4.2019. Reprint
  • Hermes JC, et al. (2019). A sustained ocean observing system in the Indian Ocean for climate related scientific knowledge and societal needs. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00355Reprint
  • Buckley BM, Ummenhofer CC, D’Arrigo RD, Hansen KG, Truong LH, Le CN, and Stahle DK (2019). Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation reconstructed from trans-Pacific tree rings: 1350-2004 CE. Climate Dynamics, 53, 3181-3196. Reprint
  • Wanamaker AD, Griffin S, Ummenhofer CC, Whitney NM, Black B, Parfitt R, Lower EE, Introne D, and Kreutz KJ. (2019). Pacific climate influences on ocean conditions and extreme shell growth events in the Northwestern Atlantic (Gulf of Maine). Climate Dynamics, 52, 6339-6356. Reprint
  • Brando PM, Paolucci L,  Ummenhofer CC, Ordway EM, Hartmann H, Cattau M, Rattis L, Medjibe V, Coe M, and Balch J (2019). Droughts, wildfires, and forest carbon stocks: a pantropical synthesis. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 47, 555-581. Reprint
  • Grise KM, Davis SM, Simpson IR, Waugh DW, Fu Q, Allen RJ, Rosenlof KH, Ummenhofer CC, Karnauskas KB, Maycock AC, Quan X-W, Birner T, and Staten PW (2019). Recent tropical expansion: Natural variability or forced response? Journal of Climate, 32, 1551-1571. Reprint
  • Joyce TM, Kwon Y-O, Seo H, and Ummenhofer CC (2019). Meridional Gulf Stream shifts can influence wintertime variability in the North Atlantic storm track and Greenland blocking. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 1702-1708. Reprint


  • Denniston RF, Houts AN, Asmerom Y, Wanamaker AD, Haws JA, Polyak VJ, Thatcher DL, Altan-Ochir S, Borowske AC, Breitenbach SFM, Ummenhofer CC, Regala FT, Benedetti MM, and Bicho N. (2018) A stalagmite test of North Atlantic SST and Iberian hydroclimate linkages over the last two glacial cycles. Climate of the Past, 14, 1893-1913. Reprint
  • Hahn L, Ummenhofer CC, and Kwon Y-O. (2018). North Atlantic natural variability modulates emergence of widespread Greenland melt in a warming climate. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 9171–9178. Reprint
  • Jin X, Kwon Y-O, Ummenhofer CC, Seo H, Kosaka Y, and Wright JS. (2018). Distinct mechanisms of decadal subsurface heat content variations in the eastern and western Indian Ocean modulated by tropical Pacific SST. Journal of Climate, 31, 7751-7769. Reprint
  • Waugh DW, Grise KM, Seviour WJM, Davis SM, Davis N, Adam O, Son S-W, Simpson IR, Staten PW, Maycock AC, Ummenhofer CC, Birner T, and Ming A. (2018). Revisiting the relationship among metrics of tropical expansion. Journal of Climate, 31, 7565-7581. Reprint
  • Jin X, Kwon Y-O, Ummenhofer CC, Seo H, Schwarzkopf FU, Biastoch A, Böning CW, and Wright JS. (2018). Influences of Pacific climate variability on decadal subsurface ocean heat content variations in the Indian Ocean. Journal of Climate, 31, 4154-4174. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Kulüke M, and Tierney JE. (2018). Extremes in East African hydroclimate and links to Indo-Pacific variability on interannual to decadal timescales. Climate Dynamics, 50, 2971-2991. Reprint
  • Li L, Schmitt RW, and Ummenhofer CC. (2018). The role of the subtropical North Atlantic water cycle in recent US extreme precipitation events. Climate Dynamics, 50, 1291-1305. Reprint


  • Seo H, Kwon Y-O, Joyce TM, and Ummenhofer CC. (2017). On the predominant nonlinear response of the extratropical atmosphere to meridional shifts of the Gulf Stream. Journal of Climate, 30, 9679-9702. Reprint
  • Denniston RF, Asmerom Y, Polyak VJ, Wanamaker AD, Ummenhofer CC, Humphreys WF, Cugley J, Woods D, and Lucker S. (2017). Decoupling of monsoon activity across the Northern and Southern Indo-Pacific during the late glacial. Quaternary Science Reviews, 176, 101-105. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Kwon Y-O, Seo H, Parfitt R, Brands S, and Joyce TM. (2017). Emerging European winter precipitation pattern linked to atmospheric circulation changes over the North Atlantic region in recent decades. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 8557-8566. Reprint
  • Andreu-Hayles L, Ummenhofer CC, Barriendos M, Schleser GH, Helle G, Leuenberger M, Gutierrez E, and Cook ER. (2017). 400 years of summer hydroclimate from stable isotopes in Iberian trees. Climate Dynamics, 49, 143-161. Abstract
  • Ummenhofer CC and Meehl GA (2017). Extreme weather and climate events with ecological relevance: a review. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 372, doi:10.1098/rstb.2016.0135. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Biastoch A, and Böning CW. (2017). Multi-decadal Indian Ocean variability linked to the Pacific and implications for preconditioning Indian Ocean Dipole events. Journal of Climate, 30, 1739-1751. Reprint
  • Jongaramrungruang S, Seo H, and Ummenhofer CC. (2017). Intraseasonal rainfall variability in the Indian Ocean during the summer monsoon: coupling with the ocean and modulation by the Indian Ocean Dipole. Atmospheric Science Letters, 18, 88-95. Reprint


  • Denniston RF, Ummenhofer CC, Wanamaker AD, Villarini G, Lachniet MS, Asmerom Y, Polyak VJ, Cugley J, Woods D, Passaro KJ, Campbell N, and Humphreys WF. (2016). Expansion and contraction of the Indo-Pacific tropical rain belt over the last three millennia. Scientific Reports, 6, doi:10.1038/srep34485. Reprint
  • Subramanian A, Ummenhofer CC, Giannini A, Holland M, Legg S, Mahadevan A, Perovich D, Small J, Teixeira J, and Thompson L. (2016). Translating process understanding to improve climate models. A US CLIVAR White Paper, Report 2016-3, 48pp, doi:10.5065/D63X851Q. Reprint
  • Abdi A, Vrieling A, Yengoh GT, Anyamba A, Seaquist J, Ummenhofer CC, and Ardö J. (2016). The El Niño-La Niña cycle and recent trends in supply and demand of net primary productivity in African drylands. Climatic Change, 138, 111-125. Reprint
  • Taschetto AS, Sen Gupta A, Ummenhofer CC, and England MH. (2016). Can Australian multiyear droughts and wet spells be generated in the absence of oceanic variability? Journal of Climate, 29, 6201-6221. Reprint
  • Li L, Schmitt RW, Ummenhofer CC, and Karnauskas KB. (2016). North Atlantic salinity as a predictor of Sahel rainfall. Science Advances, 2, doi:10.1126/sciadv.1501588. Reprint
  • Li L, Schmitt RW, Ummenhofer CC, and Karnauskas KB. (2016). Implications of North Atlantic sea surface salinity for summer precipitation over the US Midwest: Mechanisms and predictive value. Journal of Climate, 29, 3143-3159. Reprint
  • Martin-Benito D, Ummenhofer CC, Köse N, Güner HT, and Pederson N. (2016). Tree-ring reconstructed May-June precipitation in the Caucasus since 1752 CE. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3010-1. Reprint
  • Vrieling A, Meroni M, Mude AG, Chantarat S, Ummenhofer CC, and de Bie CAJM. (2016). Early assessment of seasonal forage availability for mitigating the impact of drought on East African pastoralists. Remote Sensing of Environment, 174, 44-55. Reprint


  • Ummenhofer CC, Sen Gupta A, England MH, Taschetto AS, Briggs PR, and Raupach MR. (2015). How did ocean warming affect Australian rainfall extremes during the 2010/2011 La Niña event? Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 9942-9951. Reprint
  • Tierney JE, Ummenhofer CC, and deMenocal PB. (2015). Past and future rainfall in the Horn of Africa. Science Advances, 1, doi:10.1126/sciadv.1500682. Reprint
  • Hernandez M, Ummenhofer CC, and Anchukaitis KJ. (2015). Multi-scale drought and ocean-atmosphere variability in monsoon Asia. Environmental Research Letters, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/7/074010. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Xu H, Twine TE, Girvetz E, McCarthy HR, Chhetri N, and Nicholas KA. (2015). How climate change affects extremes in maize and wheat yield in two cropping regions. Journal of Climate, 28, 4653-4687. Reprint
  • Denniston RF, Villarini G, Gonzales AN, Wyrwoll K-H, Polyak VJ, Ummenhofer CC, Lachniet MS, Wanamaker AD, Humphreys WH, Woods D, and Cugley J. (2015). Extreme rainfall activity in the Australian tropics reflects changes in the El Nino-Southern Oscillation over the last two millennia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112, 4576-4581. Reprint
  • D’Arrigo R and Ummenhofer CC. (2015). The climate of Myanmar: Evidence for effects of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. International Journal of Climatology, 35, 634-640. Reprint
  • Garcia-Garcia D and Ummenhofer CC. (2015). Multidecadal variability of the continental precipitation annual amplitude driven by AMO and ENSO. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 526-535. Reprint


  • Pook MJ, Risbey JS, Ummenhofer CC, Briggs PR, and Cohen T. (2014). A synoptic climatology of heavy rain events in the Lake Eyre and Lake Frome catchments. Frontiers in Environmental Science, Special Issue on “Circulation weather types as a tool in atmospheric, climate and environmental research”, 2, 54, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2014.00054. Reprint
  • Karnauskas KB and Ummenhofer CC. (2014).  On the dynamics of the Hadley circulation and subtropical drying.  Climate Dynamics, 42, 2259-2269.  Reprint
  • Taschetto AS, Sen Gupta A, Jourdain N, Santoso A, Ummenhofer CC, and England MH.  (2014).  Cold tongue and warm pool ENSO events in CMIP5: mean state and future projections.  Journal of Climate, 27, 2861-2885.  Reprint


  • Pook MJ, Risbey JS, McIntosh PC, Ummenhofer CC, Marshall A, and Meyers GA. (2013). The seasonal cycle of blocking and associated mechanisms in the Australian region and relationship with rainfall. Monthly Weather Review, 141, 4534-4553. Reprint
  • Jourdain NC, Sen Gupta A, Taschetto AS, Ummenhofer CC, Moise AF, and Ashok K. (2013). The Indo-Australian monsoon and its relationship to ENSO and IOD in reanalyses and the CMIP3/CMIP5 simulations. Climate Dynamics, 41, 3073-3102. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, McIntosh PC, Pook MJ, and Risbey JS. (2013). Impact of surface forcing on Southern Hemisphere atmospheric blocking in the Australia-New Zealand sector. Journal of Climate, 26, 8476-8494. Reprint
  • Rivera-Ferre MG, Pereira L, Karpouzoglou T, Nicholas KA, Onzere S, Waterlander W, Mahomoodally F, Vrieling A, Babalola FD, Ummenhofer CC, Dogra A, de Conti A, Baldermann S, Evoh C, Bollmohr S. (2013). A vision for trans-disciplinarity in Future Earth: Perspectives from young scientists. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 3, 249-260. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Schwarzkopf FU, Meyers GA, Behrens E, Biastoch A, and Böning CW. (2013). Pacific Ocean contribution to the asymmetry in eastern Indian Ocean variability. Journal of Climate, 26, 1152-1171. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, D'Arrigo RD, Anchukaitis KJ, Brendan BM, and Cook ER. (2013). Links between Indo-Pacific climate variability and drought in the Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas. Climate Dynamics, 40, 1319-1334. Reprint


  • Li Y, Jourdain N, Taschetto AS, Ummenhofer CC, Ashok K, and Sen Gupta A. (2012). Evaluation of monsoon seasonality and Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation transitions in the CMIP models. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L20713, doi:10.1029/2012GL053322. Reprint


  • D'Arrigo R, Palmer J, Ummenhofer CC, Kyaw NN, and Krusic P. (2011). Three centuries of Myanmar monsoon climate variability inferred from teak tree rings. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L24705, doi:10.1029/2011GL049927. Reprint
  • Taschetto AS, Sen Gupta A, Hendon HH, Ummenhofer CC, and England MH. (2011). The relative contribution of Indian Ocean sea surface temperature anomalies on Australian summer rainfall during El Nino events. Journal of Climate, 24, 3734-3747. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Sen Gupta A, Li Y, Taschetto AS, and England MH. (2011). Multi-decadal modulation of the El Nino-Indian monsoon relationship by Indian Ocean variability. Environmental Research Letters, 6, 034006, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/3/034006. Reprint
  • Garcia-Garcia D, Ummenhofer CC, and Zlotnicki V. (2011). Australian water mass variations from GRACE data linked to Indo-Pacific climate variability. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 2175-2183. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Sen Gupta A, Briggs PR, England MH, McIntosh PC, Meyers GA, Pook MJ, Raupach MR, and Risbey JS. (2011). Indian and Pacific Ocean influences on Southeast Australian drought and soil moisture. Journal of Climate, 24, 1313-1336. Reprint
  • D'Arrigo R, Abram N, Ummenhofer CC, Palmer J, and Mudelsee M (2011). Reconstructed streamflow for Citarum River, Java, Indonesia: linkages to tropical climate dynamics. Climate Dynamics, 23, 451-462. Reprint


  • Taschetto AS, Haarsma RJ, Sen Gupta A, Ummenhofer CC, Hill KJ, and England MH. (2010). Australian monsoon variability driven by a Gill-Matsuno type response to central-west Pacific warming. Journal of Climate, 23, 4717-4736. Reprint
  • Raupach M, Briggs P, Haverd V, Whan K, and Ummenhofer CC. (2010). Chapter 4: Impact of climate variability and change on the water balance, In: Program Annual Report 2009/10. South Eastern Australian Climate Initiative (SEACI), CSIRO, Australia, pp. 39-49. Reprint
  • Taschetto AS, Haarsma RJ, Sen Gupta A, Ummenhofer CC, and England MH. (2010). Teleconnections associated with the intensification of the Australian monsoon during El Nino Modoki events. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 11, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/11/1/012031. Reprint


  • Bennett N, Ummenhofer CC, and Moran R. (2009). Peculiarities of Murray Valley Encephalitis (MVE) epidemics in southeastern Australia: The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) as a predictor for epidemics. Victorian Infectious Disease Bulletin, 12 (4), 112-115. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Sen Gupta A, Taschetto AS, and England MH. (2009). Modulation of Australian precipitation by meridional gradients in East Indian Ocean sea surface temperature. Journal of Climate, 22, 5597-5610. Reprint
  • Taschetto AS, Ummenhofer CC, Sen Gupta A, and England MH. (2009). The effect of anomalous warming in the central Pacific on the Australian monsoon. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L12704, doi:10.1029/2009GL038416. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, England MH, McIntosh PC, Meyers GA, Pook MJ, Risbey JS, Sen Gupta A, and Taschetto AS. (2009). What causes Southeast Australia's worst droughts? Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L04706, doi:10.1029/2008GL036801. Reprint
  • Sen Gupta A, Santoso A, Taschetto AS, Ummenhofer CC, England MH, and Trevena J. (2009). Projected changes to the Southern Hemisphere ocean and sea-ice in IPCC AR4 climate models, Journal of Climate, 22, 3047-3078. Reprint
  • Pook M, Lisson S, Risbey J, Ummenhofer CC, McIntosh P and Rebbeck M. (2009). The autumn break for cropping in Southeast Australia: trends, synoptic influences and impacts on wheat yields. International Journal of Climatology, 29, 2012-2026. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Sen Gupta A, England MH and Reason CJC. (2009). Contributions of Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures to enhanced East African rainfall. Journal of Climate, 22, 993-1013. Reprint
  • Risbey JS, Pook MJ, McIntosh PC, Ummenhofer CC and Meyers G. (2009). Variability of synoptic features associated with cool season rainfall in southeastern Australia. International Journal of Climatology, 29, 1595-1613. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Sen Gupta A and England MH. (2009). Causes of late Twentieth Century New Zealand precipitation trends. Journal of Climate, 22, 3-19. Reprint


  • Ummenhofer CC, Sen Gupta A, Pook MJ and England MH. (2008). Anomalous rainfall over southwest Western Australia forced by Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures. Journal of Climate, 21, 5113-5134. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC and England MH. (2007). Interannual extremes in New Zealand precipitation linked to modes of Southern Hemisphere climate variability. Journal of Climate, 20, 5418-5440. Reprint
  • England MH, Ummenhofer CC and Santoso A. (2006). Interannual rainfall extremes over southwest Western Australia linked to Indian Ocean climate variability. Journal of Climate, 19, 1948-1969. Reprint
  • Krell A, Ummenhofer CC, Kattner G, Naumov A, Evans D, Dieckmann GS and Thomas, DN. (2003). The biology and chemistry of land fast ice in the White Sea, Russia - A comparison of winter and spring conditions. Polar Biology, 26, 707-719.


  • Ummenhofer CC, and Hood RR. (2023). New interdisciplinary edited book on the Indian Ocean to be published in spring 2024. Indian Ocean Bubble-2, issue 18, pp. 19-20. Reprint
  •  Rathore S, Bindoff N, Ummenhofer CC, Phillips H, and Feng M (2021). Using sea surface salinity to foretell Australian rainfall. Australian Marine Science Association Bulletin, June 2021, pp. 24-28. Reprint
  • Tozuka T, Subramanian AC, and Ummenhofer CC (2020). Climate information and prediction across timescales. In: Special Issue: The Recent Decadal Review (2020-2030) of the Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS-2) and its Outcomes. CLIVAR Exchanges, No. 78, 52-58, doi:10.36071/clivar.78.2020. Reprint
  • Li L, Schmitt RW, and Ummenhofer CC. (2018). Oceanic water cycle, sea surface salinity, and the implications for extreme precipitation in the US Midwest. Science and Technology Infusion Climate Bulletin, 114-118. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Subramanian A, and Legg S. (2017). Maintaining momentum in climate model development. Eos, 98, doi:10.1029/2017EO086501. Reprint
  • Taschetto AS, Sen Gupta A, and Ummenhofer CC. (2017). The role of ocean variability for droughts and wet periods in South America. In: Proceedings of the 1st Int. Electron. Conf. Hydrol. Cycle, Nov. 12-16, 2017, Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, 1, doi:10.3390/CHyCle-2017-04844. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC. (2016). Warming oceans increase extreme rain events. OzEWEX Newsletter, May 2016. Link
  • D'Arrigo R, Palmer J, Ummenhofer CC, Kyaw NN, and Krusic P. (2013). Myanmar monsoon drought variability inferred by tree rings over the past 300 years: linkages to ENSO. PAGES news, 21, 50-51. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC. (2010). Southern Hemisphere regional precipitation and climate variability: Extremes, trends, and prediction. Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, 23, 48-50. Reprint
  • Taschetto AS, Sen Gupta A, Ummenhofer CC, England MH. (2009) How does El Nino Modoki affect the Australian monsoon? CLIVAR Exchanges, 14, 35-37. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer C and Sen Gupta A. (2009). Why the Big Dry? Australasian Science, 30, 28-29.
  • Ummenhofer CC. (2008). Southern Hemisphere regional precipitation and climate variability: Extremes, trends, and prediction. PhD Thesis, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 253 pp. Reprint
  • Ummenhofer CC, Sen Gupta A, Pook MJ and England MH. (2007). Seasonal rainfall anomalies over Western Australia forced by Indian Ocean SST - Scope for improved forecasting. CLIVAR Exchanges, 12, 30-32. Reprint
  • England MH, Ummenhofer CC and Santoso A. (2006). Indian Ocean variability linked to interannual rainfall extremes over southwest Western Australia. CLIVAR Exchanges, 11, 28.
  • Ummenhofer CC. (2003). Interannual rainfall extremes over Southwest Australia linked to Southern and Indian Ocean variability. B.Sc. Honours Thesis, University of Wales, Bangor, UK, 54 pp.
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